Sunday, May 12, 2013

What has happened to the traditional family?

What kind of trends are coming up through our generation and current society? This was a question that was asked in my class that we were to read about. I found that there were many different trends that are, in reality, AGAINST our nature and tradition that we have built throughout past generations. To name a few:

  • Marrying later- Many are marrying around 26 or older
  • Cohabitation- The biggest issue in the U.S. According to U.S census, 6.8 MILLION were living in cohabitation.
  • Living alone- due to divorce or from marrying later
  • Employed mothers- This was a recent development starting from around the 30's and has inclined due to single parenthood. Most mothers are working when their children are under 6 yrs old (which is the most important time for development for the child is).
  • Children out of wedlock- 39.5% of children are from unmarried parents.
  • Less births- due to delayed births. We are having less births than the natural replacement rate. This can be due to many thinking that they should seek after careers before having a family.
  • Premarital Sex- A survey that was taken says that 48% of children have had sex before they had reached high school.
Now, I find it interesting that here we have all of these issues that are destroying the traditional family, but according to another survey, many of these people were surveyed and were asked if they thought family was important. All said yes.

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, all of these issues can be done away by applying the principles that are taught, at an early age. I was given the gospel at the age of 16 which has helped in my marriage so much! I am going to apply many of these principles to my children-- and make sure that my family chain is strong. I am working hard to bring back the principles of the traditional family. I have a great advantage because my wife's minor (one of her clusters) was child development and she learned a lot that she will be able to apply to our children. She has me practice many of these different things like changing diapers, feeding and even giving bath's to our 2 nephews that are up here in Rexburg with us. It is getting me baby hungry. . . but "not until next year" my wife tells me.

Can we change as a society to bring back family values? The answer is yes. How? With the gospel of Jesus Christ. If we know and realize our obligation to God to make a good home for our children and that we will be held accountable for our actions, we will be more likely to fulfill our responsibilities and husband and wife, mother and father. I know that to be true.

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