Saturday, April 27, 2013

Effects on Children: Heterosexual vs. Homosexual Parenting

The last couple of days I have been enjoying Bro. Williams class. We have been learning the differences (if any) on the ways children are developing in same sex parents compared to traditional husband/wife parents. We went over a study published by the APA that seemed to have some biases. The conclusion was that there was no difference between heterosexual parents to homosexual parents on the effects of children. Now, our class took a look at the data and noticed that the sample sizes (some of them) were small, and that the homosexual parents were compared to heterosexual SINGLE MOMS. So basically it was saying that Single Mom=Homosexual parents. When you put the data together we found that homosexual parents DO NOT equal heterosexual parents. Therefore, it is better to have heterosexual parents in the home for the child to develop well rounded in this society. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and that that relationship is sacred and divine. Being married now for 6 months going on 7, I have felt that that is very true. But, like we discussed in class, if we EVER have a question about something in a text book, a publicized journal or even in the scriptures, we should be willing to do the research ourselves to test the sources and discover for ourselves the truth that was found.